Real or True friends


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Hello all, 

What does it mean for you to be a real and true friend? Do you think that you can be this kind of friend? Do you think that there are true friends?

                                                So , in these blog I'll write about the real or true friends...... That we know we all have few special friends in our life that they are so special  in our life and different from other friends .

It's really important to have a true friend, who is always there for you. When you're in trouble he or she has to be there for you, even when you feel sad, angry, mad or even happy. Friends must be by your side.

One of my favorite quotations comes from Gandhi:"Be the change you wish to see in the world." Be the friend you want to have. We all tend to attract people into our lives whose character mirrors our own. 

"A friend is one who overlooks your broken fence and admires the flowers in your garden."

True friends are never apart , maybe in distance but never in heart . 

If  I  talk about my friends so  , they are like  "Fairy-tales " they've been there since once upon a time and will be there until forever after.
 They always take care of me and always try to maintain smile  on my face , they always support me .
And If i talk with anger , instead of getting angry, they lovingly to tell me ," What happened? ". and this question from them ends my all anger and i  forgot my all stress & problems .

And  If i tell you one thing about me , When people see me first time So,
 " Strangers think i'm quite , friends think i'm introvert  but only my best friends know that i am completely Insane  " 

 True  friendship  means you are able to count on one another.  part  of caring for a friend is honoring what they tell you, no matter the significance, with confidentiality and respect.

Hope  by reading this blog you like it .
Keep reading 

Thanks to all 


  1. I am Muskan khandelwal.. This is a good topic....
    Without .not live for best friend.

  2. wow i love that blog because a every thing is truth keep it up


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