THE NIGHTINGALE 

  " Nightingale" , 

 Hey folks ,
 I  am introducing  there  my beautiful character Nightingale. 
 She's a girl ,  named Alisha. Alisha was  a beautiful girl , just 18 year old  ,but  she's too intelligent and smart . Alisha's schooling is done in London junior's collage . But now Alisha live with  her  family   in  Delhi India . Alisha's Father is a Indian Father  that we all know the Indian Father's are too possessive that the girls are not safe in the society in all  so, nigh tout and late night parties is  not good for girls in all many thinks. But Alisha's mom always tell her that you are my "Nightingale" and no one can touched the "Nightingale" without her permission or your wish ,  you are free to live  in the world because the whole sky us yours and you are free to Fly . So according to Alisha life is your so , why do we not live according to yourself why all time girls are bounded for permissions and why they not safe in the society.and why always girls are  responsible for everything . Alisha always convene her Father that we ( GIRLS) are   "Nightingale " and  she also convene other fathers of daughters  through her thoughts that your daughter is not only  born in live inside  at home but also she have right to live freely in the world .Now Alisha work as an   Radio jockey and working for girls freedom and fight for justice.

So  guys the main purpose of my  story or content  is that the girls are  also have the same rights to live in the world , and please save the girl child and treat your Daughter , sister  as a "Nightingale ".

                                                                                                          Much love to all Nightingale. 




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